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Broadband coverage in Europe – Portuguese progress and rankings

As you might have seen the latest edition of the Broadband Coverage in Europe project has been published. The full report and data tables can be found on the EC website -

The EC and other countries in the study have, as of mid 2022, reported 60% coverage of gigabit download capable fixed networks and more than 80% of households with access to more than 100Mbps.

While there are more recent statistics available from individual countries this is still the only study that provides a view across the whole of Europe.

Portugal is making good progress and is now ranked 7th in Europe for coverage of ultra high speed fixed networks. Moving ahead of Spain for the first time and significantly ahead of the major Economies in the EU.

“This is a strong performance from Portugal. They recognised the importance of good digital infrastructure early and have really worked hard to drive fixed gigabit networks across the country,” says Oliver Johnson, Director at Expert Intelligence.

A ‘fixed gig’ (at least 1Gbps downstream from a full fibre or cable network) is vital for the future of all countries and economies around the world.

“Numerous studies have shown that improving broadband makes a big difference to a country. It increases employment, income, tax revenues and overall competitiveness as well as many social benefits,” says Johnson.

The ‘90% club’ is growing, with Malta leading the way, and Portugal is projected to join them in the 2023 version of the study. There are still challenges remaining though.

Rural coverage is often an issue. It is slower and more expensive to expand the networks into less populated areas. Portugal is 12th in the EU for rural fixed gig coverage and there is still work to do.

“Portugal is ahead of the curve and still making progress on broadband. The vibrant digital culture and great infrastructure is a large part of why Expert Intelligence came to Portugal. We’re excited to be part of the future here and we are looking forward to more good news next year,” says Johnson.

About Expert Intelligence.

Founded in 2022 and based in Caldas da Rainha Expert Intelligence is part of the new wave of AI enhanced research companies.

EI provides a platform to help analyse data across Europe and is focused on broadband research and analysis.

Recent studies using our data include

Economic growth and broadband access : the European urban-rural digital divide: Michaël de Clercq (UGent) , Marijke D'Haese (UGent) and Jeroen Buysse (UGent)

Johnson & Kursteiner

Our parent company Point Topic ( works with clients across Europe including the EC on the Broadband Coverage in Europe project.

For more information contact


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